about us

To explain who and what G.A.S.E. is can be simplified to one small statement…
‘We are a group of enthusiasts & professionals who wanted to foster General Aviation in Egypt by offering assistance and services to visiting/transiting pilots of light aircraft.
This may be an over-simplification of what we were but it does lie at the core of our organisation. Little did we know back in 2010 how big we would become by keeping to our original ideals of caring about the pilot and his/her aircraft above all else.
We now offer these same services to pilots wherever they are flying across the world


Eddie GouldGeneral Manager & Co-Founder

Eddie is a British ex-pat living in spitting distance of Cairo International Airport. He has had a lifelong love of aviation and started working with aircraft after leaving school in 1970. His first job saw him maintaining a fleet of PA-28’s at Keenair Services/Liverpool Flying School. A number of other aviation related posts came along through the years and he also had time to fit in a bit of glider and microlight flying. Always a keen aviation photographer, this hobby would find him at airfields around Europe following his love of aircraft whenever he got the chance. A member of the P.F.A. for many years would see him at fly-ins and rally’s chewing the fat with pilots and enthusiasts from around the world. Moving to precision engineering at the start of the millennium also saw health problems finally dictate a move to warmer climes. His love of aviation has never waned and is stronger than ever.
Eddie is in the position of General Manager of G.A.S.E.


AHMED HASSANOperations Manager & Co-Founder

Ahmed Hassan is Egyptian born and bred and also has a lifelong love of aviation since he was 10. He is a graduate of the Egyptian Aviation Academy: Flight Dispatcher Course and also a graduate from Ain Shams University: Faculty of Arts, Tourist Guidance Department, English section. He has worked for a number of Middle Eastern airlines as a flight dispatcher and is currently employed full time in that position. He also runs a number of online communities based around aviation hobbies. A powerhouse in the Egyptian aviation community, his love of aircraft is obvious to anyone who knows him.
Ahmed is in the position of Operations Manager of G.A.S.E., He is responsible for contracting handling agents, 3rd party suppliers, an expert when it comes to dealing with CAAs for obtaining permissions, Slots and arranging handling ,etc...


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Oceandiva Catamaran
MAKS Aviation Services Co. Ltd

contact us

Feel Free to contact us through our contact details below.

Get in touch !

Postal Code : 11361
Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt.
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COPYRIGHT © 2016 General Aviation Support Egypt